- Written by: Sharalee Worms
One of the best sources for figuring out which diet and what type of exercise plan your horse needs, depending on what type of PSSM they have, is a facebook group called Managing PSSM, RER and other muscle diseases. The person who runs the group gives a lot of time and effort to each person that asks for her help - you can join the group by clicking the link below:
TAKE ME TO THE FACEBOOK GROUP Managing PSSM, RER and Other Muscle Diseases
If you would just like to share experiences and knowledge with others going through the same things you are with genetic muscle diseases in horses the link below will take you to one of the best sources for PSSM knowledge in the world at this time:
- Written by: Sharalee Worms
Our privacy policy mostly pertains to our database. Our main focus of our database is researching lines that carry genetic diseases with a sole focus on finding lines that are clear for genetic diseases.
We are doing our best to keep everyone happy and ask that information from this site is used for peronal decisions only and never published or forwarded.
- Written by: Sharalee Worms
We're sorry you decided to cancel your membership process.
If you have questions please email us at foals@manitobahorse.com.
- Written by: Sharalee Worms
Thank you for choosing to become a member - all member access should be granted to you now.
You should already be logged in so you can just go ahead and start looking around.
We hope you enjoy your membership.
If you have any questions - please ask.
- Written by: Sharalee Worms
CA stands for Cerebellar Abiotrophy - it is a recessive disease.
It causes lack of balance and coordination and head tremors - symptoms appear between 6 weeks and 4 months of age. Often CA horses cannot get up from a reclining position.
There is no treatment that works well and most owners euthanize CA horses as they become dangerous to handle with their lack of coordination.
It affects Arabs and Arab crossbreds.
Genetic Testing is available.