
Pedigree Info

How can Pedigree Analysis help my lame horse?

Genetic Defects

Why is it important to know if your horse has genetic defects?
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Genetic Assets

Genetics can help with desirable traits too ...
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Color Genetics

Genetics are not only useful for detecting genetic diseases and genetic assets
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Gaited Gene

Most horses have four basic gaits - the walk (three beat gait), the trot (two beat gait), the canter or lope (three beat gait) and the gallop and a 4 beat gait.  Some breeds are known for performing other varying gaits than these typical four.

A mutation of the  DMRT3 Gene was found in horses that could perform other gaits.  The mutation allows more motion in movement than the non-mutated gene so the horse becomes more flexible in its leg movements contributing to the many different gaits we see in different breeds.   Other genetic factors also contribute to specific gaits but the DMRT3 seems to be common to all the gaits.  

The Pace -  the mutation has been found in 100% of horses that pace. The mutation of this gene allows the horse to move both right limbs together at the same time, as well as both left limbs together at the same time.  Horses without this mutation cannot do this.   Breeds that pace would be: Standardbreds.

The Amble - Breeds that Amble would be: American Saddlebred, Florida Cracker

The Running Walk - Breeds that do the Running Walk would be: Tennessee Walker, Florida Cracker

The Rack: Breeds that Rack would be: American Saddlebred, North American Single Footing Horse, Racking Horse, Rocky Mountain Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Some Standardbreds can be encouraged to do this gait, some Tennessee Walkers can perform this gait

The Shuffle: Breeds that Shuffle would be: Walkaloosa, some Appaloosas

The  Flying Pace : Breeds that do the Flying Pace would be: Icelandic

The Paso Fino, The Paso Corto and the Paso Largo: The Breed that does these gaits would be:  Paso Fino

The Paso Llano and the Sobreandano: The Breed that does these gaits would be:  Peruvian Paso

Tölt: Breeds that Tölt are: Icelandic, American Saddlebred, Aegidienberger (cross between a Peruvian Paso and an Icelandic)

The Fox Trot: Breeds that do the Fox Trot would be:  Missouri Fox Trotter, Spotted Saddle Horse, some Tennessee Walkers can perform this gait

The Single Foot: Breeds that do the Single Foot would be:  Rocky Mountain Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, some Standardbreds can be encouraged to do this gait, some Tennessee Walkers can perform this gait

The Stepping Pace: Breeds that do the Stepping Pace would be:  Spotted Saddle Horse, some Tennessee Walkers can perform this gait

The Show Gait: Breeds that do the Show Gait would be:  Spotted Saddle Horse

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