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<p>The dilute genes act on the base colors and provide us with a wonderful array of stunning colors.<br /><br /></p>
<p>&nbsp;<strong>The Four Dilution Genes are:</strong></p>
<p>Cream - CR</p>
<p>Champagne - CH</p>
<p>Pearl - PRL</p>
<p>Silver - Z<br /><br /></p>
<p>Cream on a red base produces a <strong>Palomino</strong>&nbsp;<strong> |ee CRcr|</strong></p>
<p>Two creams on a red base produces a <strong>Cremello</strong>&nbsp;<strong> |ee CRCR</strong>|<br /> (This means the horse received one cream gene from each parent and if used for breeding will ALWAYS contribute one cream gene to it's offspring.)</p>
<p>Cream on a black base with agouti produces a <strong>Buckskin |Ee or EE and crCR and aA or AA|</strong></p>
<p>Two Creams on a black base with agouti produces a<strong> Perlino |Ee or EE and CRCR and aA or AA|</strong><br />(This means the horse received one cream gene from each parent and if used for breeding will ALWAYS contribute one cream gene to it's offspring.)</p>
<p>Cream on a black base with no agouti produces a<strong> Smokey Black</strong> (the cream gene is "hidden") <strong>|Ee or EE and crCR and aa|</strong></p>
<p>Two Creams on a black base with no agouti produces a<strong> Smokey Cream</strong> <strong>|Ee or EE and CRCR and aa|</strong><br />(This means the horse received one cream gene from each parent and if used for breeding will ALWAYS contribute one cream gene to it's offspring.)<br /><br /></p>
<p>Champagne on a red base produces a <strong>Gold Champagne |ee CHch or CHCH|<br /></strong></p>
<p>Champagne on a black base with agouti produces an <strong>Amber Champagne |Ee or EE and CHch or CHCH and Aa or AA|<br /></strong></p>
<p>Champagne on a Black base with no agouti produces a <strong>Classic Champagne |Ee or EE and CHch or CHCH and aa|<br /></strong></p>
<p><strong>Two champagne genes means the horse will always contribute a champagne gene to any offspring but it does not make a notable difference on the coat coloring.<br /><br /></strong></p>
<p>Pearl is a recessive gene and the horse must inherit one from each parent in order to be able to see it.&nbsp; Like Cream and Champagne it lightens the base coat color.&nbsp; It is one of the rarest of the dilute colors along with Silver.<br /><br /></p>
<p>Silver has no effect on a red based horse but lightens the mane and tail on a black based horse.&nbsp; Silver is very rare too.</p>

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