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How can Pedigree Analysis help your lame horse?

Weird Lameness Issues are one of the symptoms of PSSM - by examining the pedigree we can check to see if there is PSSM in the background.  If yes, we can recommend which type to test for and if you confirm the horse does have PSSM you can treat with an appropriate diet and exercise plan to help your horse.

How is Pedigree Analysis done?

Pedigrees are analyzed by entering your horses name and pedigree in the database (This can take between 2 and 60+ minutes depending on the breed of the horse and whether or not many horses of that breed are already entered.  Also depends on how easy it is to find the pedigree info on line. Great care is taken to enter the reports accurately using sources like registries themselves if possible.  Once the horse's pedgree is entered a report is run depending on what information is being searched for.  The database reports that are examined are color coded so the info that is recorded can be seen at a glance.   It will show if there are positive horses, horses with positive offspring or suspected horses in the ancestry.  This type of report can be run for many different genetic issues.

In the example below I can see that this mare is n/P1 - she got it from her mother as you can see by the green her sire was 5 panel nn - we can also see Poco Dell is suspect by his yellow square.

What Can Pedigree Analysis do for me?

Pedigree Analysis can tell you if there are known (to the BRIDGE database) positive or negative horses in the ancestry. This can help to rule out a specific genetic disease (if a horse is nn in the line) or to alert that there is a need for testing (if there is a positive horse in the line or a horse that has positive offspring (as that horse has a 50/50 chance of being the one that is positive)). 

We always encourage testing. 

And we ask that no one ever makes financial or permanent decisions based on our reports.   The database was started for people like me - when I first learned about genetic diseases I could find no answers.  I was desperate to know if there was PSSM in any of my horses lines.  I scoured the internet looking for answers.  The lack of info prompted me to start this database, and the great amount of work I put into it prompted me to make the info known to others, like me that were just looking for some information, some sort of answers.  Of course the information led me to test my horses which is always where the most concrete answer comes from - but sometimes horses can be ruled out for certain things because their parents tested negative as well.

What can Pedigree Analysis not do for me?

Pedigree Analysis can give a definitive answer for nn horses in some cases and educated guesses can be very good for nn horses but Pedigree Analysis cannot predict positive horses unless a parent is homozygous for a dominant disorder.  The reason for this is that as long as neither parent is homozygous for any disease the foal always has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the negative gene. So a Pedigree Analysis report might say "this horse will very likley be nn for HYPP but there are horses with positive foals in the pedigree so this horse should be tested for PSSM1" Note! We did not say the horse will be positive, but rather encouraged to test for PSSM1.

What do I get when I order a Pedigree Analysis?

You get a message informing you as to what we have found as well as what we would do if we were looking at the horse in question.  This is only our opinion and must be taken as such, just an opinion based on an educated guess. IF you don;t receive your report within three days please contact us and/or check your spam/junk folder.

Please read the article about our database to see the efforts we have gone to build a good database.

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